
Chapter One :Chapter 1

"Oh no, the Li family's daughter has jumped into the river!"

"It's all because of her heartless brother who forced her into proxy marriage. Who could bear such a thing!"

The cacophony seemed to echo from afar. Li Suisui could not open her eyes, the suffocating sensation of drowning made her head feel heavy, losing consciousness once more.

Time passed.

Gradually regaining her consciousness, Li Suisui woke up.

She opened her eyes to a mudbrick house, old-fashioned wooden table and chairs, and a very distinctive enamel water tank.

The tank displayed five large words: "Labour is the Most Glorious."

Where was this?

Wasn't she in her college dormitory, pulling an all-nighter for gaming? How did she suddenly end up here?

Li Suisui sat up, looking around in confusion.

The wooden door was not soundproof, the sobbing of a woman and the irate voice of a man could be heard from outside.

"I had no idea she'd be so stubborn as to jump into the river and commit suicide! What's wrong with He Tingchuan? He's a soldier and a squad leader, something of an officer, holding a steady job!"

"What does Li Suisui think she is? A country bumpkin who hasn't even completed high school! If not for Yue Zhen's renunciation and refusal to remarry, it would not be her turn!"

As she heard the outside conversation, Li Suisui was stunned.

Then, a wave of memory suddenly flooded into her mind.

She time-traveled!

Being a 21st-century college girl, she suddenly died from staying up all night playing games, and directly crossed over to the 1980s, becoming the unloved third child, of the Li family in a small mountain village.

The original's father passed away early, and the family was under harsh circumstances, with the elder brother working hard in farming to support the family.

To fulfill her second sister, Li Yue Zhen's dream of college, the original, despite being a brilliant student, voluntarily dropped out of school to support her sister's education.

After the college entrance exam, Li Yue Zhen did not receive her admission letter and assumed she'd failed. Consequently, her mother sought a matchmaker for her.

The man, He Tingchuan, was a soldier and a team leader in the army, with some achievements to his name.

Since He Tingchuan couldn't come, the two sides exchanged photos. Both were satisfied and agreed to the marriage.

During the engagement, the He family gave 20 units of engagement money, equivalent to half a year's expenses for an average family.

But less than a month after the engagement, Li Yue Zhen got her college admission notice! To support Li Yue Zhen's education, the He family sent another 50 units of money, promising to support Li Yue Zhen throughout college.

The Li family was overjoyed, and the village neighbors were all envious of Li Yue Zhen's good fortune.

Who would have known that in just one year, Li Yue Zhen changed her mind.

Not only did she secretly date at school, but she also snatched Li Suixi, the childhood sweetheart of the original.

Afraid that the He family would not agree to the breakup, Li Yue Zhen persuaded her mother to have her sister marry He Tingchuan in her place to silence the He family.

Mother Li was a meek character, but the elder brother, Li Jiabao, was a dominant force who sided with Li Yue Zhen, pressuring the original to comply.

Overwhelmed with grief and indignation, the original decided to end her life by diving into the river.

Afterward, Li Suisui arrived here, entering the body of the original owner...

Li Suisui let out a sigh after digesting the memories.

In the modern world, she was an only child, pampered and cherished by her parents.

Upon arriving here, it was like starting the game in hell mode.

A biased mother, a dominating brother, a garbage sister, and she was forced to become a substitute for a bride.

It was really not easy at all!

Before she could continue her lament, the door was pushed open.

Her mother, Jiang Hongmei, walked in. Seeing that she had woken up, she was both surprised and elated. She grabbed her hand and cried, "Suisui, you're finally awake! Are you trying to kill your mother? What will your poor mother do if something happens to you?!"

Li Suisui's eyes reddened uncontrollably. Before she could speak, Jiang Hongmei began to sob and beg.

"Could you stop being so stubborn? Just agree to marry He Tingchuan! Although he is not a college graduate, at least he has a stable job. You won't suffer after marrying him. If you don't marry him, our family will be finished!"

It seems the original owner's remaining emotions affected Li Suisui. After hearing her mother's words, her chest was filled with grievances.

She had just jumped into the river, nearly dying, yet her mother showed no concern for her health and was still pressuring her to marry as a substitute.

Unable to control her tears, Li Suisui protested, "Mother, how could you be so biased? I am also your daughter, why must you force me?"

"It's good that you know you're your mother's daughter!" her big brother, Li Jiabao, interjected, "Mother has painstakingly raised you. Can't you repay her once? He Tingchuan is in such a good position, more than a perfect match for you. What else are you dissatisfied with?"

His tone made it seem as if it was Li Suisui who was being willful and ungrateful.

Li Suisui was almost laughing from exasperation, her anger dissipating the original protagonist's grievance.

She forcefully wiped away the tears on her face and sneered, "He Tingchuan is such a good catch, why didn't you marry our second sister off to him? She gets her tuition fees from the He family for college and is He Tingchuan’s fiancée. Wouldn't everyone be happy if she was the one to marry him?"

"You! Why can't you understand!"

Li Jiabao was so furious that he clenched his teeth, "Do you think if Li Yue-zhen marries He Tingchuan, you can be with Qi Zhiyuan? Dream on! Qi Zhiyuan is now a college student with a bright future, he wouldn’t settle for you.”

“He might not want me, but I don't want him either. This kind of fickle, doggish man, only Li Yue-zhen would find him attractive!”

Li Suisui retorted firmly, "No matter who Li Yue-zhen wants to marry, do not look at me! I am not going to marry for her."

"Li Suisui!" Li Jiabao was so angry that he roared out loud, then turned to look at Jiang Hongmei, "Mother, look at her! What kind of attitude is this!"

Jiang Hongmei, her eyes filled with tears, looked disappointedly and sorrowfully at her, "Suisui, when did you become so disobedient?"

The pain in Li Suisui's heart was unbearable, but her mind remained clear.

The original protagonist paid the ultimate price for fighting against this, yet her closest family still blames her for being rebellious and ignorant?

Whose fault is this, really?

Isn’t Li Yue-zhen the one in the wrong?

Li Jiabao then scoffed coldly, "Thankfully I had anticipated this, and already prepared the marriage certificate in advance. Otherwise, we would have been ruined by him!"

Li Suisui's heart skipped a beat.

Marriage certificate issued in advance? What does he mean?

Noticing the confusion in her eyes, Li Jiabao smirked, "Let me tell you the truth. A few days earlier, Mother sent your household registration to them and they’ve already registered your marriage with He Tingchuan. Whether you consent to this marriage or not, you and He Tingchuan are already husband and wife."

"This is a military marriage; it cannot be annulled easily. You better accept your fate!"

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